IPL | RF | LLLT | Lid & Lash Cleanings

Photo Gallery & Results

Le Eye Spa Treatment Panel

Our strength lies in our doctor designed and customized treatment plan.

Dr. Le strives to bring the best, addressing your dry eye and eyelid concerns.


Intense Pulsed Light




Low level light therapy


Lid & lash cleanings

Eyelid laceration scar. Treated with Low Level Light Therapy "red light therapy" after sutures were removed.

Chronic dry eye. Treated with microblepharoexfoliation, IPL, RF, LLLT.

Dry Eye Disease & Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Treated with microblepharoexfoliation, IPL, RF, LLLT.

Ocular Rosacea. Treated with IPL, LLLT.

Mild Ptosis (upper eyelid droop). Treated with prescription Upneeq eye drops.

Dry Eye Disease. Treated with IPL, RF, LLLT

Chronic dry eye. Treated with Optilight IPL and Optiplus Radiofrequency

Improved skin texture with

dry eye treatment

(IPL & RF)

Dry Eye Treatment with microblepharoexfoliation, IPL, RF, Lightstim low level light therapy

Dry Eye Disease Treatment with IPL and RF. Improved skin texture and brightness.

Chalazion | Hordeolum | "Stye"

Acute chalazion "stye." Treated with IPL & LLLT. No needles or incisions.

Acute chalazion "stye." Treated with IPL. Full resolution at day 3.

Acute chalazion "stye." Treated with IPL. No needles or incisions.

black blue and yellow textile

Eyelid & Eyelash Hygiene

Makeup, dead skin, and oils remain even after using makeup wipes and washing the face; Nulids Pro gently exfoliates and thoroughly cleans the area that are missed

Demodex blepharitis treated with Zest eyelid & lash treatment