Lid | Lash Hygiene & Wellness

Dry Eye & Stye Treatments

Anti-Aging Eyelid Solutions

Ocular Rejuvenation

green plant beside white wall
green plant beside white wall

Areas of Concern We Address

Dry eye, excessive watery eye, itchy, red, gritty, sandy, frequent infections
Eyelids & Lashes 
Styes, blepharitis, demodex mites infestation, frequent infections, eyelash extensions before & after care, eyelid cleaning before eye surgery (lasik, cataract surgery), thickening of eyelid margin, ocular rosacea, itchy lids, inflammation, desire to prevent eyelid wrinkles and droopiness, fine lines & wrinkles, crow's feet, loose skin, loss of lid elasticity, crepey skin, discoloration & pigment, dullness, sun damage 

Meet Dr. Tami Le

Leading Las Vegas
Medical & Aesthetic Optometrist

I am so excited to introduce Le Eye Spa! A premiere space to promote eye health, hygiene, and beauty all in one place. We offer treatments for ocular discomfort related to dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction; Routine lid & lash exfoliation and cleaning; and address eyelid concerns by offering gentle, painless, and non-surgical methods to rejuvenate the eyelids to give a natural and youthful result.

I’m humbled by my patients entrusting me with their eye health needs since 2011. Patients have no shortage of who they choose their optometrist to be. I’m honored that you chose me. I am super grateful for my existing and future patients. I strive to provide the highest level of eye care with exceptional service. I hope you receive Le Eye Spa as a warm welcoming space for ocular improvement and maintenance. I’ve created this space with the utmost intention.

I strongly believe in science-backed technology, treatment and products. I will only recommend what I’ve personally experienced and praise.

Welcome to Le Eye Spa

- Tami T. Le, OD

Coming Soon!

Spring 2024

Please leave your contact information to stay in touch with Dr. Le and for exciting news and grand opening updates